About AdvSearch
Dynamic content search add-on that supports results highlighting, faceted search and search in custom packages.
Partly based on AjaxSearch for Evolution (minus dynamic content search based on Zend search library).
See the documentation about AdvSearch.
January 8, 2016
Supported Database
Supported Versions
2.2 - Current
Install via package management
The zend search library should be installed before the first run of AdvSearch. Follow the installation steps of the AdvSearch documentation.
The technical pre-requisites for AdvSearch are:
- Revo 2.2 and upper
- UTF-8 charset
- php multi-bytes setting ON
AdvSearch uses JQuery 1.10.2 (provided with AdvSearch).
New in 2.0.0-beta2
AdvSearch 2.0.0-beta2 (January 08, 2016)
- - [#82] fix installation resolver
AdvSearch 2.0.0-beta1 (January 08, 2016)
- - apply placeholder's prefix in all chunks
- - major refactor of class and controller files
- - [#73] Replace getMicroTime method with standart PHP microtime. getMicroTime was deleted in modx 2.3.
- - [#45] add page and totalPage placeholders
- - [#67] apply addJs=0
- - add plugin to index/remove resource from solr's index
- - fix example of solr's schema
- - fix paging getting value from queryHook
- - devide docindex's path by separate engines
- - add controllers for the search engines
- - add new interface to build Solr's search indexer
- - add new interface to build Zend's search indexer
- - add new pagination type
- - add GMap integration
- - debug form's definition on JS's pagination
- - change set_time_limit to 1000, infinite limit kills.
- - dump the debug output to MODX's error log if it's an ajax call
- - [#63] add queryHook's version to implement different regex
- - reformat the code
- - [#61] fallback on failed loading of the zend lucene library
- - [#60] fix sorting which doesn't work in queryHook
- - [#44] fix validation error on form's method
- - [#57] use default modx-table-prefix if not set a custom-prefix
- - [#15] add hideLinks