Creator: Danil Kostin (danya_postfactum)
About AjaxManager
Speeds up page navigation in MODX Manager using ajax loading. Very useful when you have big Resource Tree.
December 2, 2014
Supported Database
MySQL, SQL Server
Supported Versions
2.3 - Current
New in 1.2.0-pl
AjaxManager 1.2.0
- Fix issue when not all language topics loaded
- Fix bugs with loading third-party extras js/css
- Add Gallery component to the list of compatible components
AjaxManager 1.1.9
- Fix TV displaying issues
- Fix Drag and Drop issues
AjaxManager 1.1.8
- Fix MODx 2.3 compatibility issues
AjaxManager 1.1.7
- Fix javascript inclusion order (this should improve compatibility)
- Add Resource Hider compontent to the list compatible components
AjaxManager 1.1.6
- Add TinyMCE support
- Add MODx 2.3 support
- Set ClientConfig and miniShop2 as compatible components by default
AjaxManager 1.1.5
- Fix install/uninstall process (wrong modext patching/removing)
- Release lock on resource page unload
- History navigation fix (correct first entry restoring)
AjaxManager 1.1.4
- Prevent buggy multiple panel loading (146%)
- No more page reloading. Almost all cases are handled.
AjaxManager 1.1.3
- Fixed Tree drag'n'drop
- Fixed Custom Manager (Components) Pages loading
AjaxManager 1.1.2
- Prevent buggy multiple panel loading (100%)
- Fixed Ctrl+S (and other shortcuts) issues
- Prevent incorrect uninstall proccess
AjaxManager 1.1.1
- Prevent buggy multiple panel loading
- Better error catching (and automatic fallback)
- Better support of third-party components
- Fixed Download Extras button in Package Management
AjaxManager 1.1.0
- Added Manager patch into package
- Fixed tv issues (empty tv list and input properties)
AjaxManager 1.0.0
- Initial commit