
Creator: Mark Hamstra (markh)
Updated by: Petri Rautiainen (dunnock)

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About Discuss

Discuss is a native forum solution for MODX Revolution. 

Some of its features include full SSO support, nested boards, locking down boards with usergroups etc. 

Discuss is Open Source and the full source is available from Github. Please see our Contributing guidelines, Installation Instructions and other Documentation on the RTFM. For Q&A, head over to the Discuss-powered MODX Forums.


July 30, 2013

Supported Database


Supported Versions
2.2 - Current



Please see the Documentation for installation and getting started instructions.

New in 1.2-pl

Discuss 1.2, July 12, 2013

  • Fix SQL Performance issues; new indexes and improved SQL queries
  • New lexicon entries for default theme that had fixed English sentences
  • Sphinx search server implemented for search
  • #9525 Unread replies and unread posts are now accurate
  • #9882 SQL Search improved and has fixes
  • #9882 Private Message count refreshes correctly
  • #9393 Marking all read should not cause server stalls anymore
  • #9525 Partially related to 9882 and is also fixed

Discuss 1.1.1, December 28, 2012

  • #9350 Add missing javascript link for $lAB in default theme
  • #9349 Fix errors in build

Discuss 1.1.0, December 24, 2012

  • First release

Current releases

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July 30, 2013
2.2 - Current