About FileDownload R
This MODX Extra can be used to display a list of files from a directory. The download link for each file is hashed. This way, the full url of the file will not be revealed and the files/directories can be located outside the webroot. Each file can also be assigned a download counter, which is stored in a custom database table. A single file can be uploaded using an upload form.
March 21, 2025
Supported Database
Install through package manager.
New in 3.2.0-pl
- New filedownloadr.extended_file_fields system setting to add extended fields for each uploaded file
- Support for pagination with getPage/pdoPage
- New OnFileDownloadBeforeFileDelete/OnFileDownloadAfterFileDelete plugin event
- Log fatal errors in the plugin events.
- Refactor the plugin code of the deactivated FileDownloadEmail and FileDownloadFormSave plugins
- Fix not found files in subdirectories of a media source
- Fix for mediaSourceId in OnFileDownloadBeforeFileUpload not containing the ID but the mediasource object
- Drop special handling for Internet Explorer with zip file downloads