Flexibility 4
Creator: Menno Pietersen (designfromwithin)
About Flexibility 4
Flexibility 4 - Fully functional MODX Revolution website.
Create a fully working responsive MODX Revolution website with just one package! Flexibility 4 includes: navigation, search, blog, image gallery, contact form, templates, template variables, page templates, translations and much more!
This package is meant to be used once to quick-start MODX website projects. It will install a lot of things and provide a nice responsive MODX website based on the Foundation 4 framework from ZURB.
Official site: http://themesmodx.com/themes/flexibility-4.html
Issues and feedback: https://github.com/DESIGNfromWITHIN/Flexibility4Issues
September 18, 2013
Supported Database
MySQL, SQL Server
Supported Versions
2.2 - <2.3
If you change or edit any Chunk, Snippet, Template Variable or Plugin that was included in the Flexibility package, please rename it! Or it will be overwritten on any future updates.
Any needed packages (like Wayfinder) will be installed automatically by the Flexibility package. You will be able to update and edit any sub-packages at a later date.
"Flexibility 4" is a HTML5/CSS3/jQuery based frontend MODX Revolution template based on the "Foundation 4" (http://foundation.zurb.com/). With this package you will have a fully functional website with a dropdown nav, contact form, slider and a image gallery.
"Flexibility 4" is designed and coded by Menno Pietersen Portfolio & blog: DESIGNfromWITHIN http://designfromwithin.com Twitter: MennoPP https://twitter.com/MennoPP
- Simply add resources/pages as you need annd assign the template you want to use. After selecting a template you will find template specific options under the 'Template Variables' tab.
- Content can be updated using Tiny MCE, the active CSS styles will be shown automatically and easy to select style classes are selectable via the 'Styles' button.
- Under system settings > (filter for 'flexibility4') > 'Use Foundation top bar for main navigation' you can select wich type of navigation you want.
All sub-packages (like Wayfinder) are installed by Flexibility and you will be able to remove/update each sub-package under "System" > "Package Management".
You can update the package via package installer, Flexibility will NOT override excisiting Resources.
- http://foundation.zurb.com/
- http://html5boilerplate.com/ (not used but got me started....)
- The MODX Revolution team for the whole MODX system
- Anselm Hannemann (http://anselm.novolo.de/) for the MODX Boilerplate
- The MODX community for all the great tips and support!
- Bob Ray (http://bobsguides.com/) for the amazing MyComponent package
Please post on GitHub: https://github.com/DESIGNfromWITHIN/Flexibility4Issues/issues
New in 1.1.3-pl
Changelog for Flexibility
flexibility4-1.1.3-pl.transport (18 january 2014)
- General updates
flexibility4-1.1.1-pl.transport (25 september 2013)
- Updated and improved contact form (thanks to ModX-Flexibility-test via GitHub Flexibility4Issues)
- Added a theme option to settings (soon available for sale)
flexibility4-1.1.0-rc.transport (21 september 2013)
- Added lexicons
- Added OpenGrapProtocol met tags and TV options for pages
- Tested updating
flexibility4-1.0.9-rc.transport (18 september 2013)
- Added working contact page and contact settings
- Flexibility 4 now available as a MODX package om modx.com
flexibility4-1.0.8-rc.transport (14 september 2013)
- 100% rebuild, tested and improved!
- Current features: homepage, slider, image gallery, search, template variables, site settings, responsive images (phpThumbsUp), update and uninstall
flexibility4-1.0.7-rc.transport (6 august 2013)
- Updated the sub-package installation
flexibility4-1.0.6-rc.transport (5 august 2013)
- Added settings to manager
flexibility4-1.0.5-rc.transport (27 juli 2013)
- Added contact for using FormIt
- Sidebar option added on homepage, contact and basic page template
- Set image slider to 'no' for default
flexibility4-1.0.4-rc.transport (24 juli 2013)
- Fixed 'unable to update flex-4-logo system setting bug' (thanks to: acidic - https://github.com/acidic and Allan Brooke - https://github.com/allanjpb)
- Removed Page title to Foundation 4 top bar navigation (don't like this actually)
- Added Open Graph Protocol (http://ogp.me/) meta tags in header, added the the Template Varibale SEO options for it
- Updated readme
- Added orbit slider to homepage, included PictureFill responsive images (https://github.com/scottjehl/picturefill) and optional slide content
- Added Image gallery template using Galley plugin (http://rtfm.modx.com/display/ADDON/Gallery), Magnific Popup (http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/)
flexibility4-1.0.3-rc.transport (23 juli 2013)
- Added Page title to Foundation 4 top bar navigation
- Replaced ckeditor with Tiny MCE, linked CSS styles and added button style selectors to Tiny MCE
- Updated readme
flexibility4-1.0.2-rc.transport (23 juli 2013)
- Added working Foundation 4 top bar navigation (http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/components/top-bar.html) + navigation option
- Under system settings > (filter for 'flexibility4') > 'Use Foundation top bar for main navigation' you can select wich type of navigation you want
flexibility4-1.0.0-rc.transport (22 juli 2013)
- 100% rebuilt using Bob Ray's MyComponent 3.1.1-pl
- Seperated template content and core files, seperate package with demo content available soon
flexibility4-0.0.2-rc.transport (22 march 2013)
- Fixed TV's not being assigned to templates (Thanks Jörg Lippmann @donalbain_de)
- Removed the Sidebar TV from the page without sidebar
- Added ios-orientationchange-fix.js (Thanks @PgnFrsh)
flexibility4-0.0.1-rc.transport (21 march 2013)
- Huge update to v4!
- Updates without losing content
- Removed the installation of default resources (this is not the 'MODX way')
- Lexicons added
- Articles added
- MIGX slider items added
- Gallery added
- Search improved
- Google sitemap added
- Version X added
- Ace added
- Replaced Tiny MCE with ckeditor
- Client Config added (needs to be configured)
- PHPthunbsUp added and used in the image gallery
- Responsive lightbox added
- Added page templates with left and right sidebar
flexibility-3.0.6-rc.transport (18 januari 2013)
- Added a mobile input navigation for smaller screens
- The full template should now be faster and more streamlined
............... LEFT OUT OLD STUFF ......................
flexibility-2.0.1-beta.transport (13 december 2011)
- First version online!