About HitsPage
Plugins HitsPage counts the number of visitors to this page (do not take into account the unique users)HomepageDonwload [MODX extras]GitHub
February 27, 2013
Supported Database
Supported Versions
2.2 - Current
# HitsPage (MODX Revolution)
** Pageviews for MODX Revolution**
Donwload [MODX extras](http://modx.com/extras/package/hitspage)
## Displays results in resource
### Example snippet call in resources:
### Example snippet call in resources and write Template Variable (TV) HitsPage:
[[!HitsPage? &saveTv=`true`]]
## Output via expansion getPage or getResources
### Fragment insert code in the chunk:
* An example of a template for the gallery
New in 2.0.3-pl
Changelog file for HitsPage component.
HitsPage 2.0.3
- Fixed the snippet call with parameter saveTv = `true`, not created TV.
HitsPage 2.0.2
- Rewritten snippet to save the results in the resource properties.
- Added a plugin to display the result in the cached resources through expansion getPage or getResources.
HitsPage 2.0.0
- Added snippet HitsPage, now you can call the cached snippets such as getPage and getResources. Option Hits are real vremyani not cached
- TV remote is not the right option