About modSwiftMailer

modSwiftMailer is a MODX Revolution native extension on the modMail object and is based on the open-source project "Swift Mailer".

As PHPMailer is now, at best, a poorly maintained project with limited flexability when it comes down to the basics of sending mail, Swift Mailer is your best option and is nowadays preferred. Since Swift Mailer sends it's mail up to 3 times faster than PHPMailer, is also is the ideal library to use when your site sends multiple (50 and above) e-mails per day.

Please note that modSwiftMailer is not a MODX native extension and is maintained and further developed by a 3rdparty (me). Any bugs and other irregularities should and will have to be reported to me.


July 29, 2011

Supported Database
MySQL, SQL Server


Supported Versions
2.0 - <2.2



Installation instructions

Please refer to the documentation in the RTFM. http://rtfm.modx.com/display/ADDON/modSwiftMailer

Uninstall instructions

As mentioned in the readme.txt, xPDOTransport is not fully supported when it comes down to uninstalling a package, thus you need to manually remove modswiftmailer.class.php from your modx/mail/ directory.

New in 0.3.1-pl

For a complete list of changes, please see the changelog.txt (provided at installation of the package of within /modx/mail/modswiftmailer/documents/ directory).

Below are the current, most notably changes in modSwiftMailer.

  • Added debug functionality
  • Added Swift Mailer plugin support
  • Added Decorator plugin
  • Added AntiFlood plugin
  • Added Throttler plugin
  • Added a native Logger class (for SMTP usage)
  • Added 'on-the-fly' e-mail validation
  • modPHPMailer to modSwiftMailer 1on1 seamless transition usage

Current releases

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July 29, 2011
2.0 - <2.2