About MostPopular
MostPopular is a set of session-aware tools that track MODX Revolution page views with customizable settings to improve accuracy and relevancy:
- Logs page hits asynchronously (or not) and responds with JSON (or nothing)
- By default, records page views per session, so that return visitors do not get logged until their MODX session expires
- Fetch MODX Resource IDs with the most (or least) pageviews within a given time period. According to the PHP docs, "Parse about any English textual datetime description".
- Optionally log custom data with each page view
- sessionTimeout setting limits bot-like hits
- Fetch the number of hits for a specific Resource
- Fetch and template Resource page views, including datetime, number of views, and logged custom data
- Fetch and template Resources with page view count
Perfect for "Most Popular Posts" widgets, but also allows for numerous other use cases, especially with the ability to log arbitrary data along with page hits.
More info here: https://sepiariver.com/modx/modx-most-popular-posts-or-pages/
GitHub repo: https://github.com/sepiariver/mostpopular/
February 14, 2019
Supported Database
Supported Versions
2.6 - Current
Install via MODX Extras Installer or download from the [MODX Extras repo](https://modx.com/extras/package/mostpopular)
New in 1.0.2-beta1
Make table creation more reliable.