About mxCalendar

mxCalendar is a full feature calendaring extra with ability to create repeating events, assign categories, and integrate with Google Map for location. This is a perfect solution for most users looking for an event management calendar or just a simple calendar component.


Forum Support and Request

Issues and Enhancement Request (GitHub)


November 2, 2018

Supported Database


Supported Versions
2.3 - <2.6



Use package manager to download and install.

New in 1.1.11-pl

Changelog file for mxCalendar component.


mxCalendar 1.1.11-pl


Bug fixes for the following:

#161 - Support versions of Modx 2.3 upto 2.6

#169 - Duplicate of #161

#171 - Repeating event display issue on Modx version >= 2.3  

#174 - Support of version Modx.2.4 


mxCalendar 1.1.10-pl


Bug fixes for the following: 

80  - add videos to events (tables, and manager UI changes) - **Need to do more testing

81  - RTE for description

104 - active not set on event in Edit window only grid

105 - add new content RTE property to events

107 - [part of fix for 110]

108 - repeating events issue

110 - allow all day event to still select "End Date" for single event spanning multiple days

111 - elStartDate in past issue

116 - repeating events issue

117 - adding images z-index and refreshing grid issue (solution provided)

119 - strftime %p issues for 24 hour date/time

124 - prior fix and confirmed for release 1.1.10-pl

127 - multiple day event only showing on the first day

122 - startdate_fstamp and enddate_fstamp problem returning currnet (now) stamp

102, 115 - removing images from event


* - added support for TinyMCE editor in event fields

* - new field for description


mxCalendar 1.1.9-pl


- Bug fix: hard coded test template was removed, sorry! 

- Enhancement: Add capability to filter by a specific event id in list view views


mxCalendar 1.1.8-pl


- Bug fix for installer database resolver issues

- Bug fix for code error in main class file line 540; thanks to john-at-pixelstation.com for reporting


mxCalendar 1.1.7-pl

mxCalendar enhancements for this release are provided courtesy of Anstey Hodge Advertising Group. They have generously agreed to allow distribution of their custom build as a free public release - many thanks. Visit them at http://ansteyhodge.com 


- mxcalendar.js file jQuery live functions updated to the "on" event handler

- New displayType "daily" added for intuitive understanding if desired

- Added new placeholders for list and daily displayType (fulldate,tomorrow,yesterday)

- Ability now to use url parameter, query string, to modify the displayType (ex: ?&displayType=list)

- Bug Fix: closes #84, #67, #53

-- Enhancement: Added two new properties to the times for events startdate_fstamp, enddate_fstamp to force no DST time adjustment during time zone rendering


mxCalendar 1.1.6-pl 


- Added support for context filtering using ACLs; only users assigned to "Administrator" user group can view the events not assigned to a context (global)

- Bug fix: Issue #57, #59 modal window not rendering with supplied modal parameters ()

** Fix the default list item template 

- BUg fix: Issue #60, addded support back to manage day of week labels via lexicon for mxCalendar ex: mxcalendars.label_monday, mxcalendars.label_tuesday ... 

- Enhancement: New feature to use external iCal feed to generate events in listings with only active (display/no display) editing


mxCalendar 1.1.5-pl 


- Added labels to the hidden columns for Events

- Enabled Events grid inline edit of Category, Calendar, and Context

- Made the Calendar and Context visible by default in the Events tab grid


mxCalendar 1.1.4-pl 


- Bug fix: calendar editor cut off on larger displays

- bug fix issue #48


mxCalendar 1.1.3-pl 


- Bug fix: Calendar and Context filter were crossed thus ajax request and use of parameters gave unexpected listings or none at all


mxCalendar 1.1.2-pl 


- Bug fix: (#41) Missing trailing zero in monthly calendar dates (10 was just 1; 20 was just 2; etc)

- Bug fix: (#40) No event warning notification from the parser

- Bug fix: typo in case for addJQ not being capitalized properly in the snippet

- Bug fix: google map initializer to render maps

- Enhancement: New property/parameter "elDirectional" to simply look forward or backward from the start date for events, no using an end date

- Enhancement: New system settings for manager date/time display (mgr_dateformat, mgrtimeformat) to change the date format display for the manager view


mxCalendar 1.1.1-pl 


- Bug fix: Detail view not displaying repeating events content

- Bug fix: Parameter for modalView being ignored

- Bug fix: Trailing zeros on dates missing

- Bug fix: Upgrade not adding in new schema updates

- Bug fix: Removed unused fields from forms

- Bug fix: Mixed results when using "false" or "true" in paramete as they always returned true; recommended to use digits/integers [0=False,1=True]

- Misc: Several small changes to the packaged templates (chunks)


mxCalendar 1.1.0-pl 


- Bug fix [34]: Sorting event list was not filtering the returned events based on the actual start/end dates

- Bug fix [34]: CRT Parameter warning log, issue with strftime() format types across platforms (*nix, IIS)

- Bug fix: Modal view template, tplDetailModal, was not loading when in AJAX page (requires ajax page to have the "resourceId" property set)

- Enhancement: Ability to set the event description form type between html editor (htmleditor) and text area (textarea)

- Enhancement: Ability to change the category requirement for event input

- Enhancement: Added "Context" filtering per event (contextFilter [string; comma seperated list])

- Enhancement: Added "Calendar" grouping for filtering events (calendarFilter [string; comma seperated id list])

- Enhancement: Ability to attach a specific chunk (form) to the calendar event; does a match on chunk name so you can easily filter out by using standard formated names in chunks (ex: form_ContactForm, form_Registration) and match on "form_"


mxCalendar 1.0.0-pl


- Enhancement: Speed improvements for the prev/next navigation

- Enhancement: Tooltip to the repeat every field (will extend more tooltips in future releases)


mxCalendar 0.0.3-beta


- Bug fix: Issue not allowing multiple instances to render on same page

- Bug fix: IE8 & IE9 not saving events in the create/update window

- Bug fix: Date time displayed incorrectly on front-end

- Enhancement: Ajax load of calendar navigation (previous & next) months including the today link

- Enhancement: Modal view of event details from calendar or list view

- Enhancement: Added the category filter list display option and associated templates for UI output

- Enhancement: Updated templates to render the Google Map (API v3) from location when set


mxCalendar 0.0.2-beta


- Bug fix: Issue with the width of the form fields in the repeating event area

- Bug fix: Added a new install option to automatically create the default category with the provided name

- Bug fix: PHP Error (< 5.3.0) on display of the snippet with the DateTime class

+ Enhancement: Set the containing window to automatically resize when the repeating event section expands/collapse


mxCalendar 0.0.1-beta


- First release to the beta group

Current releases

View | Download
November 2, 2018
2.3 - <2.6