About phpThumbsUp

phpThumbsUp is a MODX addon that manipulates source images to create thumbnails. You can use phpThumbsUp to create thumbnails images for galleries, automatically size user-uploaded images for mobile devices, or automatically add complex image filters to photos. It's based on the popular phpThumbOf package, but with more options and better performance.


July 31, 2013

Supported Database
MySQL, SQL Server


Supported Versions
2.2 - Current



Install via Package Management.

New in 1.1.1-pl

phpThumbsUp 1.1.1


  • Fixed a caching issue that affected some cache paths.

phpThumbsUp 1.1.0


  • Added screen width threshold for responsive design
  • Added "default" setting for phpThumbsUp parameters that should apply to all  images by default
  • Changed phpThumbsUp to work with only a src and no options

phpThumbsUp 1.0.1


  • Added server response headers for 304 and browser caching
  • Fixed issue with spaces in image path
  • Changed cache directory to reside in MODX cache directory
  • Changed phpthumbsup.base_url settings to include {base_url} at the beginning

phpThumbsUp 1.0.0


  • Initial commit

Current releases

View | Download
July 31, 2013
2.2 - Current