About sekFancyBox
Create modal windows quickly and easily with this customizable modal window using the fancyBox2 library. sekFancyBox supports inline display, iframes to display pages from other sites, text and html docs from your own site, or just the standard jpg image popup. I have tested in Revo 2.1 and 2.2. It may run in older versions.
I created this addon in the attempt to have a consistent modal popup window throughout my websites. I have started a new thread in the forum for feedback and help at http://forums.modx.com/thread/73863/support-comments-for-sekfancybox-0-0-beta. The documentation can be found at http://rtfm.modx.com/display/ADDON/sekFancyBox
fancyBox can be downloaded directly from http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/
Note: from the fancyBox website:
"fancyBox licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 license. You are free to use fancyBox for your personal or non-profit website projects. You can get the author's permission to use fancyBox for commercial websites by paying a fee."
February 1, 2012
Supported Database
MySQL, SQL Server
GPLv2-fancyApps2.0 CC3
Supported Versions
2.1 - <2.2
Display inline is default behavior:
[[sekfancybox? &link=`uniquename` &linktext=`Text to display as link` &title=`optional, displays under modal` &text=`Text that will display in the modal window.` &modalwidth=`optional, default is 400` &header=`optional, Displays at top of modal window`]]
Define type as iframe to display website within your own site:
[[sekfancybox? &type=`iframe` &linktext=`SEKNet Solutions` &link=`http://www.seknetsolutions.com`]]
Define type as document to display a file within your own site ( can be htm, or even txt file):
[[sekfancybox? &type=`document` &linktext=`document` &link=`[[~19]]`]]
Define type as media to display images or even flash:
[[sekfancybox? &type=`media` &linktext=`` &link=`assets/image.jpg`]]
[[sekfancybox? &type=`media` &linktext=`SWF File` &link=`http://www.adobe.com/jp/events/cs3_web_edition_tour/swfs/perform.swf`]]
I will post more information about additional properties soon.
New in 1.0.3-pl
Added a custom CSS settings to make managing css easier. Updated the fancybox js files and added latest version of jquery to the addon. Also added fancyBox options to make customization easier.