About sekFormTools

sekFormTools is a quick way to add combo boxes with a customized appearance, auto-complete text fields, date pickers, spell checker, and input fields with prompts to your form. Grab data from any table object and display in a combo box or filter through an auto-complete field with no snippet or chunk modification, just a simple json array of data. Methods have been built in to filter a combo box based on the selection of another combo box. Have text input or text area fields with a prompt overlaying the field. Add a date picker to the form with an easy to use snippet call. One simple call to spell checker will add a spell check to all text area's on a page.

sekFormTools can also be used with formit.

The documentation can be found at http://rtfm.modx.com/display/ADDON/sekFormTools, Review the documentation to ensure all prerequisites are met. A thread has been started for support for this addon: http://forums.modx.com/thread/76302/support-comments-for-sekformtools-beta.

Spell Checker uses After the Deadline to return spelling and grammar corrections.


May 14, 2012

Supported Database


Supported Versions
2.2 - <2.2



Please review the documentation at http://rtfm.modx.com/display/ADDON/sekFormTools.

SekFormTools will install 5 tables, a country, state, US cities, US zipcodes, and a US city zip cross reference. Because of the size of the data files and number of records, the data for these tables are optionally downloaded and installed. If you wish to install this data, download sekformtoolsdata.zip, copy/paste each file into a temporary snippet, and run the snippet to install the data to the database. If anyone wishes to contribute to the these files, please contact me or post to the current support thread.

New in 0.0.6-beta

sekFormTools 0.0.6

fixed some minor errors in cascading combo box.

Current releases

View | Download
May 14, 2012
2.2 - <2.2