About tagLister

A simple tag listing snippet that grabs tags from a TV value.


April 6, 2012

Supported Database
MySQL, SQL Server


Supported Versions
2.0 - Current



Install via Package Management.

New in 1.1.7-pl

New in 1.1.7

  • [#24] Fix issues with &parents call when no tags are found; better optimize logic
  • [#25] Add within search type for mysql users
  • Fix notice error in tagLister snippet

New in 1.1.5/6

  • Add &furlKey to tagLister to allow changing of FURL request key
  • [#23] Fix issues with useTagFURL support
  • Better handling of all tpl for tagLister snippet
  • [#21] Add in missing pageActiveTpl property to getResourcesTag

New in 1.1.3/4

  • [#17] Fix issue with tolinks and key parameter
  • Fix queries for sqlsrv support

New in 1.1.2

  • [#18] Add ability to sortBy=`rand` to randomly sort tags in tagLister snippet
  • [#16] Add lastCls, condition if tag is equal tagList count.
  • [#16] Add element (value: getResources) to default properties
  • [#15] Add fix to allow for &tag property in getResourcesTag snippet
  • [#10] Add urldecode to tag var in getResourcesTag to fix encoded chars

New in 1.1.1

  • Added ability to sort by publishedon in tagLister
  • Added idx placeholder to each tag

Current releases

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April 6, 2012
2.0 - Current