About TinymceWrapper

TinymceWrapper suite provides you with a complete frontend/backend experience. The best and latest TinyMCE RTE via CDN (or local), a powerful and invisibly perfect frontend editor, TinyMagicPublisher, oh, and Three File Browsers to choose from. And state-of-the-art implementation of Ace Editor and CodeMirror.

Now 2.3.1 (aka MIRANDA the beautiful) has full support for Markdown editing and parsing. (Markdown / MarkdownExtra / Parsedown / ParsedownExtra)

Stay always on the edge of technology. Use the most powerful and friendly Rich Text Editor with exceptional and unprecedented freedom and openness, bagged with beautiful custom skins and handcrafted powerful plugins.

Discuss and get instant help:

  • MODX Forum,
  • MODX Slack, -> #general
  • TinyMCE Forum

    All textareas: Content, Introtext, Description, Rich Text TVs / File/Image TVs, Quick Update/Create Resource, NewsPublisher, MIGX, Lingua. Any one of these textareas can be turned off permanently or temporarily. It has exposed TinymceWrapper chunks which you can start using...you can use any and all TinyMCE configuration you like - nothing is hidden, constant happiness.

    POWERFUL ADDONs (latest addition)

  • TinyMagicPublisher (two modes): TinyMCE + NewsPublisher = frontend domination! 1st mode is your traditional method, i.e, what you might have been using...but now 10x easier with doubled functionality. 2nd mode brings ultra modern editing to your front door, heard of contenteditable, that's right, it's here, and highly potent!

  • MODX native File browser
  • Powerful elFinder (BSD license)
  • Sleek Responsive FileManager (CCA-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License)
    • Go to the Plugin's property, choose which browser you want.
    • Go to the browser's snippet properties, customize the world of it.
    • Back things up by adding suffix to chunks, and creating custom PropertySets

    elFinder and Responsive FileManager come with auto-creation of personal folders.

    These popular custom browsers work frontend and backend - no need for MODx Manager credentials. They are both standalone and connected to TinyMCE.


    • Allow users to choose what to install
    • Add TinyBlocks to the suite
    • Be more awesome


    July 21, 2018

    Supported Database
    MySQL, SQL Server


    Supported Versions
    2.2 - Current



    Install it... done!

    Open the TinymceWrapper Sample Resource - see awesome! View it in the frontend

    For further details, go to the script properties of TinymceWrapper plugin ...Open the TinymceWrapper sample resource or chunks for TinyMCE init code. Have fun with freedom!


    New in 2.3.4-pl

    TinymceWrapper 2.3.4-pl


    [Security Measures]

    Dropped Responsive FileManager from TW core.

    Please install safest standalone:https://modx.com/extras/package/responsivefilemanager

    Make sure your own pset reflects:

  • responsivefilemanagerBrowserRTEurl => MODx.config.assets_url+"components/responsivefilemanager/rfm/filemanager/dialog.php?xtype=1"
  • responsivefilemanagerBrowserTopNAVurl => MODx.config.assets_url+\'components/responsivefilemanager/rfm/filemanager/dialog.php?xtype=0\'
  • Done!

    Current releases

    View | Download
    July 21, 2018
    2.2 - Current