About Vapor
This is official Siphonlabs`s Extra for creating snapshots your MODX sites and import this on modxcloud
See more details here: https://modxcloud.com/userguide/how-tos/import-sites-with-vapor.html
April 28, 2013
Supported Database
MySQL, SQL Server
Supported Versions
2.2 - Current
- Vapor may not work on every MODX install. Some unique environments may leave you with incomplete data.
- Vapor works best via Command Line. Larger installs may time out via HTTP/Browser rendering an incomplete snapshot or none at all.
- If you have trouble with zip files or package management on your server you may (but not necessarily) encounter issues.
- While you can package an Advanced install, Advanced installs are not uet available on MODX Cloud. Your site will work with the default core and Manager locations.
- We have not tested (you’re welcome to) the import of 2.1.x sites.
- There is a known issue that requires special attention for sites with Articles installed on Revo 2.2.0. See below for instructions.
See more instructions here: https://modxcloud.com/userguide/how-tos/import-sites-with-vapor.html
New in 1.1.0-pl
- Added import snapshots via console.
Execute via ssh: php vapor/import.php package=core/packages/yourpackage.transport.zip
# MODX Vapor Changelog
## 1.0.0-pl (October 30, 2012)
- Fix missing table truncation script when no extension_packages setting exists
- [#8975](http://tracker.modx.com/issues/8975) Fix case in SQL for selecting non-core tables
## 1.0.0-beta-5 (October 9, 2012)
- [#8871](http://tracker.modx.com/issues/8871) Fix drop table statement in vaporVehicles to respect table_prefix properly
## 1.0.0-beta-4 (October 8, 2012)
- [#8817](http://tracker.modx.com/issues/8817) Fix media source import via resolvers
- Fix invalid reference from $options to $fileMeta in resolvers
- [#8871](http://tracker.modx.com/issues/8871) Fix import of extra tables without a table_prefix
- Add excludeExtraTablePrefix to avoid prepending table_prefix for specific tables
- Add excludeExtraTables option for excluding specific extra non-core tables
- Add excludeFiles option for excluding specific files/dirs from base_path
- Add ability to provide vaporOptions from config file
## 1.0.0-beta-3 (September 26, 2012)
- Fix PHP warning when table_prefix is empty
- Fix realpath missing trailing slash on extension_packages
## 1.0.0-beta-2 (August 23, 2012)
- Use realpath for extension_packages path only if not absolute
- Log execution to file for easier analysis
- Use set_time_limit(0) repetitively to avoid max_execution_time errors
## 1.0.0-beta-1 (July 19, 2012)
- Initial release of MODX Vapor.