About Wayfinder

Totally refactored from original DropMenu nav builder to make it easier to create custom navigation by using chunks as output templates. By using templates, many of the paramaters are no longer needed for flexible output including tables, unordered- or ordered-lists (ULs or OLs), definition lists (DLs) or in any other format you desire. To view some example menus created with Wayfinder go here: http://muddydogpaws.com/development/wayfinder/examples/


October 31, 2011

Supported Database
MySQL, SQL Server


Supported Versions
2.0 - Current



Install via Package Management.

New in 2.3.3-pl

New in 2.3.3

  • [#40] Add wf.level placeholder to items for showing current depth
  • [#42] Allow authenticated mgr users with view_unpublished to use new previewUnpublished property to preview unpublished Resources in menus
  • [#41] Fix issue with Wayfinder and truncated result sets due to getIterator call

New in 2.3.2

  • [#36] Fix issue with multiple Wayfinder calls using &config
  • [#35] Fix issues with TV bindings rendering
  • Add "protected" placeholder that is 1 if Resource is protected by a Resource Group
  • Updated documentation, snippet properties descriptions

New in 2.3.1

  • [#31] Add &scheme property for specifying link schemes
  • [#27] Improve caching in Wayfinder to store cache files in resource cache so cache is synced with modx core caching

New in 2.3.0

  • [#14] Fix issue with hideSubMenus when using it with a non-zero startId
  • Add all fields of a Resource to the rowTpl placeholder set, such as menutitle, published, etc
  • Properly optimize TV value grabbing to properly parse and cache TVs to improve load times when using TVs in a result set
  • Ensure that caching also caches by user ID to persist access permissions through cached result sets

New in 2.2.0

  • [#23] Fix issue that generated error message in error.log due to &contexts always being processed regardless of empty state
  • [#21] Fix issue with unnecessary groupby that was breaking sorting in older mysql versions
  • [#22] Add &cacheResults parameter, which caches queries for faster loading
  • [#8] Add &contexts parameter, and &startIdContext parameter if navigating across multiple contexts and using a non-0 &startId

Current releases

View | Download
October 31, 2011
2.0 - Current