
Routing plugin that handles requests for different contexts

Creator: SEDA.digital GmbH & Co. KG (seda.digital)
Updated by: Christian Seel (christianseel)

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About XRouting

XRouting is a simple plugin that handles requests for different contexts. It automatically switches the context based on a (sub)domain AND/OR subfolder.

It's like the Gateway plugin from the docs, except you don't have to manually edit the plugin: it takes the http_host and base_url settings you have already configured in your context and routes based on that. It caches the http_host/base_url => context relation so it doesn't perform excessive database lookups.

You can find a tutorial on modx.today.


May 20, 2015

Supported Database
MySQL, SQL Server


Supported Versions
2.2 - Current


XRouting Documentation


All you need to do is to install this plugin and make sure your contexts have "http_host" and "base_url" context settings set (and optional "http_host_aliases" for multiple domains per context).

You can find a tutorial at MODX.today: https://modx.today/posts/2015/05/using-xrouting-for-multilingual-websites-in-modx

New in 1.4.1-pl

XRouting 1.4.1-pl (2015-05-20)===========================================

- added missing lexicons for allow_debug_info setting- added german lexicons

XRouting 1.4.0-pl (2015-05-20)===========================================

- replaced php constant for MODX_BASE_URL- added new optional debug output (switch the allow_debug_info system setting to "Yes" and add &xrouting-debug=1 to your URL)

XRouting 1.3.0-pl (2014-09-18)===========================================

- added support for MODX installs in a subfolder- fix "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()"

XRouting 1.2.0-pl (2014-03-17)===========================================

- this releases fixes some problems with rewriting the request url

XRouting 1.1.0-pl (2014-02-24)===========================================

- small refactoring for quicker host-based matching- bugfix for contexts with same host where one base_url is '/'- added setting to include www subdomain: xrouting.include_www- added setting to eigher show an error or a default context when no match has been found: xrouting.show_no_match_error- added setting for a default context (if no match was found and xrouting.show_no_match_error is false): xrouting.default_context

XRouting 1.0.0-pl (2014-02-01)===========================================- first public release

Current releases

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May 20, 2015
2.2 - Current