cb.resourceSelectInput v2

Custom Input type for modmore contentBlocks

Creator: Alexander Herling (degoya)

Need help installing this extra?

About cb.resourceSelectInput v2

ResourceSelectInput V2 - Custom Input type for modmore contentBlocks to select resources is a complete Rewrite of the Inputtype and is not compatible with V1.

Developed by Alexander Herling / DEGOYA medienkommunikation oHG

Thanks to sepiariver for adding the Git Package Management Support (https://github.com/theboxer/Git-Package-Management)


September 30, 2020

Supported Database


Supported Versions
2.3 - Current


cb.resourceSelectInput v2 Documentation


How to install from Transport Package:
  • Use the Transport Package from the _packages Folder and install in your Modx installation via Extras -> Package Management.
  • You are Done - Go and create your field with inputtype ResourceSelect.
How to install manually:
  • Copy the folders assets & core to your modx installation folder.
  • Create a plugin with the content of resourceselectinput.plugin.php and trigger on ContentBlocks_RegisterInputs event.
  • You are Done - Go and create your field with inputtype ResourceSelect.
Available Inputtype Backend Options

Limit Context (YES/NO) - default yes

  • Set to yes to Limit to current context of the block or no to select from all available contexts

Limit Resources (Number) - default empty

  • Limit maximum amount of resources to return

Filter Templates (TEMPLATE IDS) - default 0

  • include only templates from specified resources (csv), i.E. 1,6,8

Sortfield (FIELDNAME) - default pagetitle

  • Enter field to sort by i.E. publishedon,template,pagetitle or id

Sortorder (ASC/DESC) - default ASC

  • Enter ASC or DESC

Where (JSON) - default empty

  • enter json where to add to the query i.E.

include only published IDs [{"published":"1"}]

include from Parent IDs [{"parent:IN":[34,56]}]

include IDs [{"id:IN":[68,69]}]

exclude Page by Title [{"pagetitle:!=":"Home"}]

exclude IDs [{"id:NOT IN":[67,68,69]}

Available Config Options

Assets URL


New in 2.0.0-pl

fixed install package

Current releases

View | Download
September 30, 2020
2.3 - Current