
Creator: Adrian Cherry (apcherry)
Updated by: Nikolay Lanets (fi1osof)

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About DirectResize

Direct Resize for Revo is a plugin to apply lightbox style image expansion to selected or all images on the website. You can specify which images to apply the effect to either by id or location. The plugin includes options for Highslide, colorbox or prettyPhoto. Similar to lightbox / slimbox but with a few nice features, the image will expand to the viewable screen area with the option to expand to full size. The styling on the popup images can be changed and the captions are picked up from the image title or alt text.

Please report any bugs or feature requests at


January 25, 2013

Supported Database


Supported Versions
2.0 - <2.2



The plugin is installed via the Package Manager.

The plugin should work straight out of the box, by default the expander will be applied to all images in assets/images and all sub directories.

The image location and various styling options can be changed via the properties tab for the plugin.

New in 1.3.1-rc1

Version 1.3.1-rc1 23/11/2012 By Fi1osof


Fix urlencoded images path

Fix regular expression logic error

Version 1.3-rc1 9/6/2012


Detailed fixes include:

  • Style sheet and javascript only added to pages where there is an image to resize.

  • opacity calculation works for locales using a comma for the decimal point.

  • prettyPhoto updated to version 3.1.4

  • tested with Revo 2.2.2-pl

  • Can now define the caption position for Highslide.

  • Option to move long caption texts to the righthand panel.

  • option to define a directory to exclude images within from being resized. 

Current releases

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January 25, 2013
2.0 - <2.2