About DitsNews

Deprecated: no longer maintained by author


Version: 0.2.0 alpha1

Since: June, 23rd, 2011

Author: Dit's Media ([email protected])

License: GNU GPLv2 (or later at your option)

Warning  !!!!

Version 0.2.0 is not 100% compatible with 0.1.0! There are some database and functionality changes. As always, backup before updating!

Also, the CSV import/export is missing in this release. It will be back in 0.2.1.

=========== Description ===========

This component is a newsletter system for MODX Revolution. It allows you to manage subscribers/groups and send newsletters.


July 1, 2011

Supported Database


Supported Versions
2.1 - Current




  • MODX Revolution (tested with 2.1.1)
  • FormIt (for subscription form)
  • Cronjobs (or some other method to run a script periodically)


  • Install through Package Management
  • Add a cronjob (change paths): */5 * * * * /path/to/php /path/to/core/components/ditsnews/cron/cron.php
  • Create the newsletter template (just a normal template; CSS must be in the template itself with full URL paths to images. No external CSS!)
  • Create a signup page (ditsnewssignup chunk; change as required)
  • Create a "Thank you" page (and set it as 'redirectTo' in the ditsnewssignup chunk)
  • Create a confirm / opt-in page (add ditsnewsconfirm snippet) and set it's id in ditsnewssignup chunk
  • Create a unsubscribe page (add ditsnewsunsubscribe snippet) and add a link to this page in your newsletter template
  • Go to Components -> DitsNews and change the settings (Menu -> Settings)

 How to send your first newsletter

  • Add a testing Group
  • Add yourself as a subscriber (and add yourself to the testing group)
  • Create a new newsletter and select the document you just created. Send it to the testing group only!
  • After the cronjob runs you will receive your newsletter
  • Test the newsletter in many differtent email clients (Apple Mail, Outlook, Gmail, etc.)
  • For every webmail client: check the newsletter in different browsers!

 Example newsletter template

See readme.txt in components/ditsnews/docs

New in 0.2.0-alpha3

Fixed placeholders . (bug report: https://github.com/ditsmedia/DitsNews/issues/11 )

Warning !!!

Version 0.2.0 is not 100% compatible with 0.1.0! There are some database and functionality changes. As always, backup before updating!

Also, the CSV import/export is missing in this release. It will be back in 0.2.1.

Current releases

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July 1, 2011
2.1 - Current