About FileMan
FileMan is a component for MODX Revolution 3 that allows you to attach files to resources through the administrative panel.
February 19, 2025
Supported Database
New in 3.2.1-pl
3.2.1-pl (November 11, 2024)
- Minor code fixes (php warnings)
- The component can now work without pdoTools (see fileman_pdotools setting)
- New parameters for fmFiles snippet: tplRow, tplGroup, tplWrapper, wrapIfEmpty (if the fileman_pdotools setting is disabled)
- [#2] Fixed a bug with template checking in the plugin
- [#3] Fixed the toPlaceholder property of the fmFiles snippet
- [#4] Fixed a bug with HTML entities in the resource pagetitle
- Fixed installer bug with FileManTemplate policy
- Added FileManPolicyTemplate policy template and permission checking in controllers
- Fixed bug with fileman_doclist permission in plugin
- Fixed a fatal error when creating a resource
- Added en lexicon
- Fixed auto title generation when uploading a file
- First version of the FileMan component
- Requires MODX 3.
- Requires PHP 7.2+.