About FormDataManager
FormDataManager is a MODx Revolution Custom Manager Page (CMP) that can be used to define layouts for viewing and exporting data created from forms.Currently, this works with form data generated via the Formz extra, FormIt saved forms (using the FormItSaveForm hook) or Custom Tables.
Being able to provide consistent export files using a defined layout can be very beneficial for integration with external applications or databases.
May 19, 2019
Supported Database
Install via Package Management.
Please ensure that you also have either FormIt or Formz installed or else there will be no functionality available.
This CMP uses the Modx 2.3+ menu system and by default creates a menu entry under the Extras (Components) menu.
New in 1.3.13-pl
Added feature to add an 'output function' to any column, these are defined in a snippet e.g. Show As Upper.
Added system settings to enable more control over functionality of this extra.