About MaLTE
This tool will look into the manager log and tell you how much time the current user spent working on the website. It will split up the workunits so that every gap of at least $timeout minutes results in a new workunit. It also tells you the total time spent on this site in addition th the single workunit.
What it does not tell you:
- It does not check if you uploaded files via FTP yet.
- It does not tell you the working hours of other users of the site.
November 9, 2015
Supported Database
MySQL, SQL Server
Supported Versions
2.3 - <2.4
Create a blank resource, DONT publish it.[[MaLTE]]
- 'timeout' => Gap (in minutes) before the current workunit is over and a new one is created.
- 'limit' => limit the ammount of read actions in the database. Defaults to 0.
- 'start' => start point if you wanna skip entries. Defaults to 0.
- 'dateStart' => Only grab results from this date and up
- 'dateEnd' => Only grab gesults until this day
- 'actionType' => Only grab saves, deletes, or whatever you like.
- 'sort' => Sort by this field
- 'dir' => Sort either ASC or DESC
- 'dateFormat' => Defaults to 'Y-m-d H:i:s'