Omise Payment Gateway for Commerce

Accept credit card payments in Commerce via Omise!

Creator: Murray Wood (digitalpenguin)

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About Omise Payment Gateway for Commerce

Omise is an online payment gateway primarily servicing East and South-East Asia. This extra Commerce_Omise integrates the Omise gateway with Commerce by modmore.


November 24, 2020

Supported Database


Supported Versions
2.6 - Current


Omise Payment Gateway for Commerce Documentation



Once installed, navigate to Commerce in the MODX manager. Select the Configuration tab and then click on Modules. Find Commerce_Omise in the module list and click on it to make a window pop up where you can enable the module for Test Mode, Live Mode, or both. Note that while Commerce is set to test mode, Commerce_Omise will automatically use the sandbox API. Setting Commerce to Live Mode will use Omise's live API.

Now the module is enabled, you can click on the Payment Methods tab on the left. Then click Add a Payment Method. Select Omise from the Gateway dropdown box and then give it a name e.g. Omise. Next, click on the availability tab and enable it for test or live modes and then click save.

After saving, you'll see an Omise tab appears at the top of the window. Here you can enter your Omise API credentials: sandbox secret API key, sandbox public API key, live secret API key and live public API key.

Congratulations! Omise should now appear as a payment method a customer can use during checkout.

Customising the Payment Form

Omise provides very basic HTML form elements giving you, the developer, a lot of freedom with styling. i.e.

For this reason, the payment form sits in a chunk called omise_form_tpl. It is recommended you duplicate this chunk, give it a unique name and make any changes you want in the duplicated chunk. Commerce_Omise provides a system setting called form_chunk_name which you update so it contains the name of your new duplicated chunk.

Default chunk:

<div id="omise-token-errors"></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> <p> / </p> </p> <p> </p>

When editing the duplicated chunk be sure not to change the id or name attributes on any of the elements or Omise won't authenticate if it's missing data.

Sandbox Testing

Here are a list of the credit card numbers you can use when testing with the Sandbox API.

New in 1.1.0-pl

  • Added optional 3D Secure mode which includes a redirect to the customer's bank verification page during payment.
  • Added Thai lexicons

Current releases

View | Download
November 24, 2020
2.6 - Current

View | Download
November 12, 2020
2.6 - Current