About Quill
Quill is a sleek, modern and clutter-free blog theme for MODX that offers a more immersive reading experience. In just a few clicks, you'll have a fully functioning blog—thanks to MODX package dependencies.
January 21, 2016
Supported Database
Supported Versions
2.4 - Current
New in 1.1.0-beta
Quill 1.1.0-beta (February 23, 2016)
- Add custom Collections view
- Add French Lexicon strings
- Update blog container id system setting key
- Update search page id system setting key
Quill 1.0.4-beta (February 3, 2016)
- Update transport package name to avoid conflict with another unrelated extra. This should also take care of an issue preventing Quill from showing up in the installer.
Quill 1.0.3-beta (February 3, 2016)
- Improve mobile responsiveness
- Fix typo in Thoughts pagetitle [#1]
- UI improvements
Quill 1.0.2-beta (January 25, 2016)
- Align pagination + newsletter form with content
- Fix hero image center alignment
- Remove hero image caption
- Further style tweaks
Quill 1.0.1-beta (January 21, 2016)
- Fix Download URL
- Switch to pdoResources for archives and fix missing archives
- Add custom Collections view template to assets
- Center hero header on all screen sizes
- Increase stack order of float bars
- Add tether.min.js for Bootstrap tooltips
- Add Smooth Scrolling in page scripts
- Fix broken search icon on Safari
Quill 1.0.0-beta (January 17, 2016)
- Initial release