SEO Tab - Now part of SEO Suite

The best way to perform in search engines

Creator: Sterc Online Agency (sterc)

Need help installing this extra?

About SEO Tab - Now part of SEO Suite

Now part of SEO Suite

SEO Tab is a MODX Extra that helps you optimise your pages for the best possible performance in search engines, like Google.

Key features of SEO Tab:

  • Manage search engine visibility (noindex, nofollow)
  • Manage internal search behavior
  • Manage your Google XML Sitemap(s)
  • Manage 301 redirects both centrally and per resource
  • Automatically generate 301 redirects when changing a resource URL
  • Freeze URL functionality is moved into the SEO-tab


December 15, 2020

Supported Database


Supported Versions
2.4 - <2.7



Now part of SEO Suite

Install this update via the menu Extras > Installer in the MODX manager. Clear your MODX cache, by clicking the menu Manage > Clear Cache. A new tab in your resource-edit panel will appear called 'SEO'.

First of all: ALWAYS MAKE A BACKUP BEFORE UPDATING! Especially the modx_site_content database table in this case.

Upgrading to 2.0.0 from 1.* is highly recommended, but it does introduce some risks. SEO Tab 1.* stored the 301 redirects into the properties-column of a resource. SEO Tab 2 stores it in a seperate database table. This means a migration is needed. The migration-process is memory-intensive and might take a very long time, so just let it roll until it mentions a finished migration.

Possible problems (and solutions):

  • Long migration-process because of many resources and redirects (think of 1000+ resource websites). Not really a problem, but if you have a big site, just plan your update at a low-traffic time, because redirects won't work 100% during the migration.
  • A blank page with a 500 error. This usually is because of memory issues. Try to re-run the migration with a lower limit and queryLimit. It is currently set to limit:1000 and queryLimit=100. Try setting it to 500 and 50 in core/components/stercseo/processors/mgr/redirect/migrate.class.php
  • If you somehow end up with an unfinished migration and the migration-notice is gone, you can fix it by setting the SystemSetting stercseo.migration_status to 0.

New in 2.2.3-pl

Now part of SEO Suite

SEO Tab 2.2.3-pl

  • Fix: Work with trailing slash
  • Fix: Adding redirects from resource page

SEO Tab 2.2.2-pl

  • Fix: Could not load class: Babel from babel (#229, thanks to @jako)
  • Fix: Special symbols in URL (#175, thanks to @haeki1)
  • Fix: Enable the bottom bar of the redirects grid in the resource view, to make pagination available too.

SEO Tab 2.2.1-pl

  • Fix error: babel class to prevent overload on error.log

SEOTAB 2.2.0-pl

  • Added system setting so resoures with unpublished parent can automatically be excluded from XML sitemap
  • Prevent adding multiple redirects which are the same (#96)
  • Added check if a redirect already exists when creating a freeze URI (#53)
  • Added check so resources with noindex/nofollow are also automatically excluded from XML sitemap (#138)
  • Added option to add alternate language links to XML sitemap based on Babel #67
  • Fixed bug #131: XML sitemaps can be excluded from resource sitemap but be shown in index sitemap
  • Fixed bug #91/#147: Made 301 redirects independent of used server protocol
  • Fixed bug #148: 301 redirect was not being created when changing alias
  • Fixed bug #141: Showing new URL/Resource with correct value when using paginated results
  • Added option for bulk removing redirects in CMP #137
  • Fixed bug #143: Fixed issue with excluded usergroups check
  • System settings made overwritable per context (#158)
  • Made old URLs clickable in CMP and resource tab (#113)
  • Fixed bug (#144): Default SEO properties are not being set
  • Added all resource fields to be available inside sitemap rowTpl (#150)
  • Fixed bug #153: notice Undefined index: HTTPS
  • Fixed bug #149: alias not found warnings in manager context


SEO TAB 2.1.0-pl

  • Validate if formtabs data exists in seoImageSiteMap
  • Fixed default values for SEO Tab install in existing website
  • Fixed error on update resolver
  • Added SimpleCart compatibility
  • Fix redirects without correct site_url context


SEO Tab 2.0.4-pl


- Added options for generating template specific sitemaps and image sitemaps

- Add update resolver for replacing true/false property values with 1/0

- Add check for objects in OnResourceBeforeSort system event in plugin (#121)

- Fix the onpagenotfound request-url to use SERVER variable instead modx system setting for https

- Get site_url from context object instead of modx getOption in OnResourceBeforeSort event

- Update russian lexicons (thanks to pitrooo) PR#120

SEO Tab 2.0.3-pl


- Add searchable default property from system setting on new resources

SEO Tab 2.0.2-pl


- Fix issue where changing resource template 'searchable' value was reset

SEO Tab 2.0.1-pl


- Rewrite [] to array() for backwards compatibility


SEOTab 2.0.0-pl



- 301 redirects are now stored in a separate table (migration page included)

- New custom manager page for viewing and managing 301 redirects

- Added systemsetting for excluding usergroups from accessing SEOTab #39

- Automatically add redirect for resource and children when moving or changing alias/uri (thanks to Michael Engel). PR#63

- Menu description was added

- Text is updated

- Added 'http' check-up and entered pre-populated text field

- Fixed bug #61: OnPageNotFound doesn't works correctly on site with many resources

- Fixed bug #71: Target / Resource URL Dialog + Enhancement

- Fixed bug #72: Sorting options

- Fixed bug #73: Confirmation dialog added

- Fixed bug #74: Duplicate-redirect check

- Fixed bug #81: 301 from context2 to context1 results in 404

- Fixed bug #85: 301 redirect of current page URL is not allowed

- Fixed bug #86: noindex results in exclusion from the sitemap

- Fixed bug #92: Migration dies on timeout

- Fixed bug #93: Deleting saved objects onEmptyTrash

- Fixed bug #94: All pages set to noindex,nofollow after installation

- Fixed bug #98: Memory issues after installation


SEOTab 1.2.2-pl


- Changed author

- Removed development files

- Added automatically adding 301 redirects if alias of page is changed #42

- Added option to set params outerTpl and rowTpl for StercSeoSiteMap snippet #52


SEOTab 1.2.1-pl


- Fixed 301 redirect do not match URLS containing & and %  #32

- Fixed bug with clearing resource URI would add unnecessary 301 redirects


SEOTab 1.2.0-pl


- Changed style for MODX 2.4

- Multiple context support inside sitemap


SEOTab 1.1.2-pl


- Added ability to hide SEOTab for certain contexts (Todo: also add usergroups and templates)


SEOTab 1.1.1-pl


- Optimized 301 grid for MODX 2.3.x


SEOTab 1.1.0-pl


- Changed save function on new document


SEOTab 1.0.10-pl


-Reversed Pull request #30 for not working properly


SEOTab 1.0.9-pl


-Fixed wide vtabs body for MODX 2.3


SEOTab 1.0.8-pl


- Fixed disappearing values when only update 301 redirects. This also fixes the multi context bug. 

- Removed custom CSS for MODX 2.3


SEOTab 1.0.7-pl


- Test against explicit removal from sitemap #30

- Get defaults from modx settings. Add Context aware redirects #28


SEOTab 1.0.6-pl

- Fix OnPageNotFound #23


SEOTab 1.0.2-pl


- Fixed the install for plugin events

- Changed datetime format for Google Sitemap


SEOTab 1.0.1-pl


- Loading tab with Articles

- Added RU localization

- French translation

- Update transport.snippets.php

- Enable drag&drop sorting creating redirects

- Changed the sitemap


SEOTab 1.0.0-pl


- Initial release

Current releases

View | Download
December 15, 2020
2.4 - <2.7

View | Download
March 11, 2019
2.4 - <2.7