Simple Ace Code Editor

Creator: Guillaume (indigo74)

Need help installing this extra?

About Simple Ace Code Editor

Ace ( Cloud9 Editor) *simple* integration for MODx Revolution.

Ace Provides best syntax highlighting and desktop-editors behavior (Sublime, Vim, Textmate) in your Elements, Files and Resources (when wysiwyg is disabled). It comes with a lot of color schemes (monokai by default).


  • Dead simple. Really.
  • Works out of the box with sensible default
  • Uses latest Ace version 1.3.3 (want another version? Modify the URL!)
  • Load Ace library (and extensions) from CDNJS (configurable)
  • CTRL-D to duplicate (configurable)
  • Auto completion on CTRL-SPACE (configurable)
  • MODX syntax highlighting
  • Emmet integration (configurable)
  • Full-screen support (F11 while cursor in editor)
  • Any syntax highlighter for your chunks! Set a specific MIME type for you chunks (like a shebang) E.g. text/x-sass to have SASS syntax highlighting

It is based on the work of Ace extra by danya_postfactum.

Report issues / suggestion at


January 13, 2019

Supported Database
MySQL, SQL Server


Supported Versions
2.2 - Current



Install via Package manager (or upload manually the transport package).

It should work out of the box. The plugin will attempt to set the system option which_element_editor to SimpleAceCodeEditor.

Check the plugin properties for some options.

New in 1.5.2-pl

Version 1.5.2

7 Nov. 2018 - Indigo74

  • Fix issue of jumping cursor in TVs

Version 1.5.1

24 Oct 2018 - Indigo74

  • Fix issue (PHP Fatal Error) when "empty" template is selected

Version 1.5.0

15 Oct 2018 - Indigo74

  • Added SoftWraps, FontSize, SoftTabs properties to allow more customisation
  • Added EditorHeight and EditorTVHeight to allow setting the editor's height
  • Added support for TV syntax highlighting

Version 1.4.6

29 Sept 2018 - Indigo74

  • Fix fullscreen bug for small screen
  • Added a toggle fullscreen button
  • Added ToggleFullScreenShowButton property to allow hiding the toggle fullscreen button

Version 1.4.5

25 Sept 2018 - Indigo74

  • Fix some small bug
  • Added ToggleFullScreenKeyBinding property to allow defining custom key binding for fullscreen
  • Updated default CDNJS URL to ACE 1.4.1

Version 1.4.4

15 May 2018 - Indigo74

  • Fix search bug in Chrome

Version 1.4.3

09 May 2018 - Indigo74

  • Fix search form not visible in fullscreen
  • Added AcePrintMarginColumn property to specify position (disabled by default)

Version 1.4.2

09 May 2018 - Indigo74

  • Added Modx cache refresh when installing/upgrading and saving plugin
  • Upgrading will no longer replace property sets defined for events

Version 1.4.1

08 May 2018 - Indigo74

  • Added cache busting for external JS files
  • Added fullscreen support (uses F11)

Version 1.4.0

08 May 2018 - Indigo74

  • Added property EmmetPath
  • Fix: Emmet feature was missing the Emmet JS file
  • Improvements: MODX syntax highlighting

Version 1.3.1

07 May 2018 - Indigo74

  • Fix: ChunkDetectMIMEShebang should always override the detected MIME
  • Added more MIME/extension detection

Version 1.3.0

04 May 2018 - Indigo74

  • Added property ChunkDetectMIMEShebang (allows to set a MIME type in chunk description or first line)
  • Added MODX tag highlighting

Version 1.2.0

03 May 2018 - Indigo74

  • Updated default CDNJS URL to ACE 1.3.3
  • Renamed property AceTheme to Theme (and propose a list of available theme)
  • Added properties: ReplaceCTRLDKbdShortcut, Autocompletion, SettingsMenu, Spellcheck, Emmet
  • Added text/x-sass MIME detection
  • Added .sass file detection

Version 1.1.0

03 May 2018 - Indigo74

  • Moved from PackMan to proper build script

Version 1.0.0

18 Feb. 2018 - Indigo74

  • Initial version

Current releases

View | Download
January 13, 2019
2.2 - Current