Site Monitor

Sitemonitor is used for simple monitoring of modx sites

Creator: Uroš Likar (theuros)

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About Site Monitor

A snippet for displaying various data from website and display it where you want it.


January 22, 2019

Supported Database


Supported Versions
2.5 - <2.7


Site Monitor Documentation



Sitemonitor is a snippet to send or receive data from modx installation.

Has two functionalities:

  • Gather various data and display it as json (encrypted if needed)
  • Read data from list of defined url-s where snippet is located
  • Add optional data in json format
  • Set optional encryption key
  • Usage

    Display data

  • Create a resource without a template with content type json
  • Add uncached sitemonitor snippet
  • Available properties

    Property | Description --- | --- &add | Json array of additional values you want to add &key | String used for encrypt data

    Read data

    Put snipet anywhere where you want to display data from other sites

    Available properties

    Property | Description --- | --- &sites | Comma separated list of all url-s where sitemonitor is located| / &key | String used for decrypt data. Must be the same as string used for encrypting data &tpl | Main chunk wrapper templatePlaceholders: rows &tplRow | Template chunk for each data section Placeholders: site_name, url, version, distro,log_size, extensionsCount, poweredby_header, log_preview, extensions &tplExtRow | Template chubk for individual extension Placeholders: name, version, release

    Plans for the future

    • cache data and results for better performance
    • check extensions for upgrades
    • highlight extensions used in all websites and unique ones
    • add more data like: users count, last edited date, ...
    • select number of rows for log preview
    • add option to display log only

    New in 1.0.1-beta

    Initial content

    Current releases

    View | Download
    October 8, 2019
    2.5 - <2.7

    View | Download
    October 7, 2019
    2.5 - <2.7

    View | Download
    January 22, 2019
    2.5 - <2.7