About SpamGuard
Protect email addresses in mailto links from spam bots with JavaScript.
This script generates <a> tags that are devoid of email addresses. When a user clicks on the link, a JavaScript generates the mailto link and then forwards the user to it. The @ symbol is never used, and under the most secure method (using a default email domain) the email username (what comes before the @ symbol in the address) is nowhere near the domain, which is also broken up.
Allows TO, CC, BCC, Subject, and Body fields on the Mailto link.
Snippet: [[!SpamGuard? &email=`user-name` &display=`Email`]]
Output: <a class="SpamGuard" href="javascript: void();" uU="user-name">Email</a>
October 24, 2011
Supported Database
MySQL, SQL Server
Supported Versions
2.0 - Current
Install via Package Management.
Important: First, please set the domain, defaultLink, and defaultDisplay in the snippet properties; SpamGuard will attempt to use the default domain whenever possible. In fact, this ends up being slightly more secure as the username and the email domain get distanced from each other in the html. the defaultLink and defaultDisplay are used if JavaScript is disabled.
New in 1.5.0-pl
SpamGuard 1.5-pl (October 14, 2011)====================================- Updated to allow for default link and display if JavaScript is disabled- mailto links build into href tag(s) on page load instead of on click
SpamGuard 1.0-rc1 (September 12, 2011)====================================- Initial Release