
Sanitize SVG files and parse them inline.

Creator: Hugo Peek (suikerzout)
Updated by: Hugo Peek (hugopeek)

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About svgSanitizer

A MODX extra to sanitize SVG files and parse them inline, or as part of an SVG sprite. The file is cleaned first to make sure there are no malicious scripts, links or other XSS tricksters inside. After that, you can tweak the output to match any compatibility or design requirements you may have.

Many thanks to Daryll Doyle for providing and maintaining the sanitizer:


SVGs are a perfect way for delivering sharp and scalable graphics on your site. And serving them inline makes them even more versatile! You can change the colors of individual paths, let the SVG adapt to its parent's fill color or animate the contents with JS.

An added bonus for including SVGs with the svgSanitize snippet, is that you can actually use MODX syntax inside your SVGs. Create multilanguage SVGs by using lexicon strings as text, or use them in getResources templates with unique pagetitles or TV data... Endless possibilities.

Have fun!


February 19, 2025

Supported Database


Supported Versions
2.3 - Current



Inline usage

To get started, place your SVGs in a folder inside your project and reference the file path in the svgSanitize snippet call:

[[svgSanitize? &file=`assets/img/icons/sanitize-me.svg` &title=`Add a title here for improved accessibility` ]]

Create an SVG sprite

In addition to cleaning your SVG, you can choose to output the result as a symbol, for use in an SVG sprite:

<svg class="hidden"> [[svgSanitize? &file=`assets/img/icons/sanitize-me.svg` &title=`Add a title here for improved accessibility` &toSymbol=`1` ]] ... </svg>

Will result in something like:

<svg class="hidden"> <symbol viewBox="0 0 24 24" id="sanitize-me"> <title>Yay, you cared about accessibility</title> ... </symbol> ... </svg>

Include this SVG somewhere in your HTML and then reference the symbols in your content like this:

<svg> <use xlink:href="[[~[[*id]]? &scheme=`full`]]#sanitize-me"></use> </svg>

Note that you have to prepend the anchor with the full URI. This is because MODX pages use the base element <base href="">, which confuses the anchor link inside the <use> element in some browsers.

Read more about that here:


The sanitized SVGs are cached inside a sub folder of core/cache, based on the cacheKey setting. By default, this will be svgsanitizer. But please note:

[!NOTE] The default 'svgsanitizer' cache folder is not cleared automatically!

If you want to clear the SVG cache every time the MODX cache is cleared, you could simply change the cacheKey to 'default'. But I don't recommend this. There's really no need to sanitize each SVG again after a cache clear.

A better option is to install getCache and create a menu button for manually clearing the 'svgsanitizer' partition. Here's an example handler:

var partition = 'svgsanitizer'; var topic = '/getcache/cache/partition/refresh/' + partition; this.console = MODx.load({ xtype: 'modx-console', register: 'mgr', topic: topic, show_filename: 0 });; MODx.Ajax.request({ url: MODx.config.assets_url + 'components/getcache/connector.php', params: { action: 'cache/partition/refresh', partitions: partition, register: 'mgr', topic: topic }, listeners: { 'success': { fn: function () { this.console.fireEvent('complete'); }, scope: this } } }); return false;

You could place this under the regular Clear Cache button for example. Attach the empty_cache permission to grant the same access as for regular cache clearing.


Some interesting resources about working with SVG:


New in 1.2.0-pl

Released on January 3, 2025

  • Require PHP 8
  • Update svg-sanitize to 0.20.0
  • Clarify caching behaviour in readme
  • Add system settings for changing cache key and expiry
  • Add width and height to SVG based on viewBox

Current releases

View | Download
February 19, 2025
2.3 - Current

View | Download
April 28, 2023
2.3 - Current

View | Download
June 29, 2017
2.3 - Current