VisionCart [Unmaintained]

Creator: Sofito (sofito)

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About VisionCart [Unmaintained]

This Extra is no longer in active development. Use at your own risk.

VisionCart is a native MODX Revolution webshop!

Some of the features are:

  • Full control over categories / products
  • Extensive snippets to handle all your custom needs
  • Extensive shop configuration
  • Custom shipping / payment modules
  • Very customizable
  • Tier pricing
  • A lot more then we can put here ;-)

VisionCart documentation:

VisionCart bug reports:

VisionCart forums:,393.0.html


August 19, 2011

Supported Database


Supported Versions
2.0 - <2.2



VisionCart no longer appears to be actively developed. Use at your own discretion.

New in 0.7.0-rc5


| Version 0.7.0 RC-5 |


#----   Added: A LOT of speed improvements

#----    Added: VC specific element caching (products / categories etc etc)


| Version 0.6.1 RC-4 |


#----    Fixed: Compatibility with 2.1.1


| Version 0.6.0 RC-3 |


#----    Fixed: Compatibility with 2.1.0

#----   Improved: Huge speed improvement for vcWayFinder

#----    Fixed: Bug in ordernumber placeholder assignment

#3992    Fixed: Display.price.ex shows price including VAT (vcGetProduct)

#3990    Fixed: On quantity 0 the basket doesn't remove product from cart


| Version 0.5.1 RC-2 |


#....   Added: Added an "url" key in the basket when a product gets added

#4696   Fixed: Basket update overwrites modified products

#4695   Fixed: Basket update overwrites modified products


| Version 0.5.1 RC-2 |


#....   Fixed: Alot of general bugs (general bugs!)


| Version 0.5.1 RC-1 |


#....    Fixed: Bug in ordernumber placeholder assignment

#3992    Fixed: Display.price.ex shows price including VAT (vcGetProduct)

#3990    Fixed: On quantity 0 the basket doesn't remove product from cart


| Version 0.5.0 RC-1 |


#....    Added: Tierpricing for categories and products

#....    Fixed: Subdir installation bugs

#....    Fixed: A lot of wrong path assignments

#....    Fixed: In and Ex VAT availability in order steps

#....    Fixed: Bug in option assignment (GUI only)

#....    Changed: Reduced package size (removed unnecessary files)

#....    Changed: Some of the price placeholders to match eachother


| Version 0.2.1 BETA-3 |


#....   Fixed: Basket empty after login


| Version 0.2.0 BETA-3 |


#....    Added: Empty cache parameters for products, categories and shops

#....   Added: Better sorting options for categories and products (faster, no more reloads)

#....   Added: Extended vcMoney function modifiers

#....   Added: Ability to select last selected module (shipping / payment)

#....   Added: More events

#....   Added: Free shipping boundary

#....   Added: Minimum order amount

#3573    Added: Multiple config files for snippets

#3606    Added: Make it possible to use , instead of . in price field

#....   Fixed: Added the and ex to all snippets showing products

#....   Fixed: Some default theme errors

#....   Fixed: Category and product sorting didn't save correctly

#3662   Fixed: Order process unsafe

#3584    Fixed: Shopping cart empty after login

#3811    Fixed: rename extra fields in gui to custom fields to match db

#3811    Fixed: Add URL scheme to all snippets

#3841    Fixed: Extra fields does not save on tab-change

#3327    Fixed: Tabs blank with javascript error

#3842    Fixed: vcGetProducts does not parse chunk when &tpl is used

#3372    Fixed: Subdir installation

#3792    Fixed: sendStatusEmail does not delete tmp file

#3561    Fixed: Sorting issue

#3616    Fixed: Default theme order steps broken

#3670    Fixed: basketAdd ajax request does not receive success response

#3882    Fixed: vieworder.php does not initialise shop variable correctly

#3603    Fixed: vcGetCategories showing tax category


| Version 0.1.0 BETA-1 |


#....    Initial release...

Current releases

View | Download
August 19, 2011
2.0 - <2.2