About Wufoox

Wufoo Form integration using a custom tv. This allows you to add the power of Wufoo to your website by just adding a template variable to your template.

Thanks to Cal Wilson for allowing me to publish this freely to MODx Extras.


April 2, 2012

Supported Database


Supported Versions
2.2 - <2.2



Install via Package Manager

Once you have installed the extra, Click on the Elements TabNow right click on Template Variables, at this point you should get a menu, click on New Template Variable. Enter a name to call the template variable and caption if you wish, then click on the Input Options. On this page select the Input Type dropdown and look for wufooitem. Attach this template variable to a template by clicking on the Template Access tab and select the template(s) you would like to have access to this variable.

Now you should be able to go to a page that have the template assigned and see the template variable.

New in 1.0.0-beta

Current releases

View | Download
April 2, 2012
2.2 - <2.2