About xFPC

This component is a MODX full-page caching system. It even allows for dynamic content to be place through an easy to use AJAX snippet. When the package is installed it will immediately start caching your webpages bringing your speed up to a few ms per page request.


November 22, 2012

Supported Database


Supported Versions
2.2 - <2.2




Install the package through the MODX® package manager.

New in 2.1.0-pl1

Version: 2.1.0 (11/22/2012)

- Added system setting xfpc.enabled

- Fixed core_path setting for MODX users that have core outside public HTML

- Fixed plugin writing to the log file for no reason

- Added system setting names and descriptions

- Fixed a bug where per-resource lifetime configs were deleted on clear-cache

Version: 2.0.0

- Added Minify!

- Added system setting xfpc.minifyjs

- Added system setting xfpc.minifycss

- Added showStaticContent for AJAX snippet (so non-JS users (Google) will see your HTML)

- Fixed some paths (assets/fpc -> assets/components/xfpc and core/cache/fpc -> core/cache/xfpc)

Version: 1.1.0

- Added option to combine JS to 1 file

- Added option to combine CSS to 1 file

- Added option to combine JS and CSS to 1 file

- Added option to exclude CSS and JS from combining

- Added per-resource-cache lifetime option

Version: 1.0.0

- Initial version 

Current releases

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November 22, 2012
2.2 - <2.2