About boilerX

Makes HTML5 Boilerplate just a click away and adds some clever settings.


February 9, 2016

Supported Database
MySQL, SQL Server


Supported Versions
2.1 - Current



Simply install through package manager or upload to your core/packages directory. 

New in 2.1.0-pl

boilerX 2.1.0

  - updated to HTML5 Boilerplate 5.3.0

boilerX 2.0.0

  - updated to HTML5 Boilerplate 5.2.0

  - update jQuery to 1.11.3

  - update Modernizr to 2.8.3

boilerX 1.1.0

- updated to HTML5 Boilerplate 4.3.0

- update jQuery to 1.10.2

boilerX 1.0.0

- updated to HTML5 Boilerplate 4.2.0

- removed socialX subpackage

- depreciated CDN settings

boilerX 0.9.6

- new build script

boilerX 0.9.4

- updated to HTML5 Boilerplate 4.0.2 (h5bp-html5-boilerplate-0a340fb)

boilerX 0.9.1

  - corrected transport zip file name to fix broken check for updates

boilerX 0.8.8

- updated to  HTML5 Boilerplate 4.1 (h5bp-html5-boilerplate-3bc5ed9 )

- updated modernizr and jQuery versions

boilerX 0.8.7

- updated to  HTML5 Boilerplate 4.0 markup (h5bp-html5-boilerplate-2279296)

- updated modernizr version (in system settings)

- depreciated pcdn chunk (potential content delivery network)

boilerX 0.7.9

- updated to newest HTML5 Boilerplate markup (h5bp-html5-boilerplate-1ac32b7)

- updated modernizr version (in system settings)

boilerX 0.7.7

- removed Google+ publisher tag

- bundled shareX plugin for controlling how your pages look on social networks like Facebook

- re added Google+ publisher tag as part of shareX

boilerX 0.7.5

- added support for Google+ publisher tag via a Google+ Publisher ID

boilerX 0.7.3

- removed duplicate boilerplate comment

boilerX 0.7.1

- removed dependency on If addon by implementing native modX conditionals

- added bx-head-append chunk which outputs a base href tag before the closing tag

boilerX 0.7

- exactly replicates html5 boilerplate markup

- show/hide boilerplate comments

- set properties via System Settings (description, author, viewport, css path, modernizr js path, analytics id)

- set jQuery version

- toggle whether or not to point to CDN

- auto disables analytics tracking if not set

- set which version of IE to display chrome frame via system settings

Current releases

View | Download
February 9, 2016
2.1 - Current