About QuickBar

Adds an Evo style hover bar to the top of your site for quick editing. Only for users that are logged into the Manager of course. 


February 16, 2016

Supported Database
MySQL, SQL Server


Supported Versions
2.0 - Current



Install via Package Manager. Call the [[!QuickBar]] Snippet just after your opening body tag.

New in 1.1.0-pl

QuickBar 1.1.0

 - QuickBar's chunk is now configurable. Thanks sottwell!

QuickBar 1.0.5

- Update quickbar.chunk.tpl #18 (thanks to sottwell for the PR)

QuickBar 1.0.4

 - Change permissions check to edit_document

QuickBar 1.0.3

 - Simplify authentication logic

QuickBar 1.0.2

 - Added purplerain theme

QuickBar 1.0.1

 - Bug Fixes

QuickBar 1.0.0


 - Reduced elements Quickbar adds to tree

 - Added 25 themes to choose from! See assets/components/quickbar/css

 - Changed default theme

QuickBar 0.5.6


 - Now using id rather than class for quickbar-wrapper

QuickBar 0.5.5


 - added to GitHub and now packaged using a build script (rather than PackMan)

 - QuickBar stylesheet now dynamically added to head tag

 - added white-space:nowrap to the li code

 - now supports CSS resets that use * { box-sizing:border-box }

 - removed getMgrURL Snippet

QuickBar 0.4.4


 - added responsive styling for 480px wide and below

 - added responsive styling for touch devices (if modernizr is included)

QuickBar 0.4.3


 - initial commit

 - to use, include [[!QuickBar]] just after your closing body tag

Current releases

View | Download
February 16, 2016
2.0 - Current