Keep track of who referred customers that make purchases.
Creator: Murray Wood (digitalpenguin)
About Commerce_Referrals
This small module adds an extra page to the Commerce dashboard with a grid to keep partner company information.Each partner is assigned a referral token which they can then use on the end of a product URL to send customers to your shop.
April 5, 2019
Supported Database
Supported Versions
2.6 - Current
Install Install the package and then activate the module in the configuration tab of the Commerce dashboard.
Usage In the Commerce dashboard, click on the Referrals tab and then select Referrers in the subnav.
- Add details of a partner company that will refer customers to your products.
- One of the details will be a 'token'. The referrer then adds this token on the end of the URL and their referral will then be recorded.`
System Setting
- commerce_referrals.tab_position - allows you to set the position in the Commerce nav menu that the referrals tab is added. Value should be an integer.
New in 1.0.2-pl
++ Commerce_Referrals 1.0.2-pl ++ Released on 05-04-2019 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- Fixed compatibility issues with Commerce 1.0
- Added check to make sure an order exists before altering it.
- Added the new 'raw' column property to make sure links are formed correctly. (Thanks to MarkH)
++ Commerce_Referrals 1.0.1-pl ++ Released on 29-05-2018 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- Made some positioning changes on the order page to take advantage of a new feature in Commerce 0.11.0-pl
- Added a tab_position system setting which takes a number and will insert the referral tab in that position.
- Changed to using Commerce style getters and setters in some places to ensure future compatibility.
- Some code cleanup
++ Commerce_Referrals 1.0.0-pl ++ Released on 27-05-2018 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
First release++ Commerce_Referrals 1.0.1-pl