Automatically displays a cookie consent message to new visitors
Creator: (madaboutbrighton)
About CookieConsent
For sites that have visitors in the European Union (EU), the EU cookie law states that each visitor must give their consent for most cookies to be used. The usefulness or benefit of this is a devisive subject!
CookieConsent displays a message informing each visitor that the site uses cookies, with a link to your site's cookie policy.
February 1, 2021
Supported Database
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
- Once installed, simply clear your cache.
- Any html pages will now have a cookie disclaimer appended to their BODY tag.
- The disclaimer will stop appearing once the disclaimer has been acknowledged by the user.
- Configuration can be done by editing the plugin properties.
Default chunk is styled using Bootstrap CSS, but will still display without Bootstrap.
New in 0.0.6-pl
- Updated spelling mistake in default chunk mouseover text - "out cookie policy" to "our cookie policy".
- Updated button position in default chunk.