About MetaFormat
MetaFormat outputs tags found within document head, including:-
- meta-tags including Content-Type, Content-Language, robots, keywords, description, author
- Base tag
- Page title
- Links including rss, css and shortcut icon
- Script tags
Title and keywords are optimised for SEO. Fully customisable.
Full documentation can be found at madaboutbrighton.net/projects/metaformat
June 29, 2016
Supported Database
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Install via Package Manager.
Full documentation can be found at madaboutbrighton.net/projects/metaformat
New in 1.2.2-pl
Version: 1.2.0
- Updated transport mechanism and package structure
- Now uses chunks instead of DOMDocument for tag generation
- Added &exclude, &preMain, &postMain, &preCSS, $postCSS, &preJS, &postJS, &appendCSS, icon
- Removed lang, excludeTags
- Updated documentation at http://madaboutbrighton.net/projects/metaformat
- NOTE - if using hostAll, hostMedia or hostCode make sure you use a full domain, e.g. //cdn-media.madaboutbrighton.net/
Version: 1.1.3
Added excludeTags functionality:-
- a comma seperated list of tag names can be specified, which will be excluded from the output
Version: 1.1.2
- Fixed, appendTag variable not defined, error