About ObfuscateEmail-Revo
Simple MODX Revolution Plugin, which uses various methods to hide e-mail addresses from Spammers.It can find all common email addresses as specified by RFC2822, including all unusual but allowed characters.This plugin searches for all email addresses and "mailto:" strings in the html output, both inside and outside href attributes. In other words, it also encodes link text.
It can find all common email addresses as specified by RFC2822, including all unusual but allowed characters. Any email addresses that satisfy the the construct below will be detected:
The plugin than randomly leaves 10% of the characters alone, encodes 45% of them in decimal, and 45% of them in hexadecimal.
May 7, 2012
Supported Database
Supported Versions
2.1 - Current
Package Manager Installation:Simply download and install from the Package Manager. If other OnWebPagePreRender events exist in the project, order ofexecution priority may be set in the respective Plug-ins - if necessary.Manual Install:1.) Create a new plugin2.) Paste in this code3.) Click the OnWebPagePreRender option on the events tab (near bottom).