About Eletters
Eletters, formally GroupEletters, is a Addon for MODX Revolution that allows you to create & send beautiful email campaigns within MODX! You can now take advantage of MODX advanced template features to create custom eletter templates. Easily manage lists & subscribers and allow subscribers to manage their own preferences. Personalize your emails with some default placeholders.
January 3, 2017
Supported Database
Supported Versions
2.2 - Current
See the docs: http://rtfm.modx.com/display/ADDON/Eletters
Note for updating you may want to uninstall GroupEletters then install Eletters.
New in 1.1.1-pl
- Pull request #39 Remove explicit setting of modMail::MAIL_SENDER
- Fix #40, pull request #41 php7 compatibility update
- Fix #32 rename ELetterSignup Chunk properly
- Fix #21 add group by query to reduce multi sends
- Fix #29 remove Subscriber from group when unchecked on Update
- Fix #14 CSV import error messages and example CSV in GUI
- Fix #25 swap placeholders in signup Chunk to be correct
1.1 beta3
- Include new TVs in install script
1.1 beta2
- Include EletterFormItEmail in install
1.1 beta
- Updated default sorting order in the CMP
- Change name from GroupEletter to just Eletters
- sampleTriggerEletter Template
- New TVs
- - eletterType - 'Campaign','Response','Trigger'
- - eletterAccess - 'Public','Protected
- set default values for TVs:
- - eletterFromName: [[++eletters.fromName]],
- - eletterFromEmail: [[++eletters.fromEmail]],
- - eletterReplyEmail: [[++eletters.replyEmail]]
- New Setting: eletters.deniedPageID - this if you set the page to private and a user goes to the URL without unique code send them to this page.
- Fixed Subscriber search & Setting a subscriber to inactive
- Tracking Plugin causes errors...Fixed
1.0 RC3
- Fixed #22, #23 Invalid object $this in plugin
- Fixed delivered to record actual instead of 1
1.0 RC2
- Removed some error logging and set them to respect the groupeletters.debug setting
- Improved how statistics are recorded
- #19 added cs localization - Czech language
- #18 added very basic mime with strip_tags
- #17 added in new system setting testPrefix to allow admin to prefix all test email subject lines
- #6 added a way to attach a single file attachment
- #14 improved the CSV import process
1.0 RC1
- - Fixed #13 properly set the batchsize for the queue
- Corrected a date query issue which effected when a queue would send out
- Added a debug setting that will log notes to the error log
- Added basic stats #12
- - Numerous database changes
- - new setting: trackingPageID, useUrlTracking
- - [[+trackingImage]] - for Opened
1.0 beta4
- #11 Updated German Translation
- Added a snippet GroupElettersUpdateTables - only needed in you updated but it ran as install
1.0 beta3
- Added #9 CSV Import feature
- Added tabs to Subsriber and added in all fields for the window New lexicons: groupeletters.subscribers.city, groupeletters.subscribers.m_name, groupeletters.subscribers.basic_info, groupeletters.subscribers.address_info and groupeletters.subscribers.groups_info
- Fixed #10 Subscriber Add/Update Window issue
- Fixed #7 Added in city column/field to db table
- Added #8 German Translation
1.0 beta2
Fixed #5 file path case wrong in plugin, could cause linux/unix not to work
1.0 beta1
- added 2 new lexicons
- #3 fixed Queue snippet message
- #4 Fixed spelling error
1.0 alpha3
- Fix another spelling error and added more options in the GroupEletterSignup Chunk
- Removed my email address from the sender list!
1.0 alpha2
- Fix create group error that did not save all data
- Fix spelling error for chunk name call
- Fix subscribe to group on signup page