About revoSSL

RevoSSL is a plugin that will allow you to secure (make SSL) the Manager and any web page that you would like to have secure.


April 15, 2013

Supported Database
MySQL, SQL Server


Supported Versions
2.0 - Current



Install via the MODX Revolution package management

To Secure the Manager:

  • Go to System -> System Settings Look for revoSSL.manager (if it is not there then create it) and set it to YesTo create Setting:  

  •   Key: revoSSL.manager   Name: Secure the Manger 
  •   Field Type: Yes/No
  •   Value: Yes
  •   Description: If you select Yes then it will force all manager pages to be SSL.
  • Now open up a new tab and go to your manager and verify that it worked.  If it did not work or if you don't have SSL on your server you can still go back to your original tab and then set the value to No.

  • To Secure a web page:

  • Create a TV with the following values:

  •   General Info Tab:    
  •   Variable Name: makeSSL   
  •   Caption: Make page SSL    
  •   Description: If you select Yes this page will be forced to be SSL
  • Input Options Tab:   
  •   Input Type: Listbox(Single-Select)    
  •   Input Option Values: Yes==1||No==0     
  •   Default Value: 0
  • Now add the TV to all templates that you wish to have this option for.
  • Save your TV
  • Clear site cache Site -> Clear Cache
  • Test some pages!
  • New in 1.0.3-pl

    revoSSL 1.0.3 pl

    • Removed error log message on call

    revoSSL 1.0.2 pl

    • Fix redirect error introduced in 1.0.1
    • Added new system settings: revoSSL.forceWWW, if set to true it will force example.com to go to www.example.com

    revoSSL 1.0.1 pl

    • Fix Security issue of showing unpublished/deleted pages

    Current releases

    View | Download
    April 15, 2013
    2.0 - Current