Creator: Josh Gulledge (jgulledge19)
About SlideshowManager
Slideshow manager is a CMP (custom manager page) and snippet for MODX Revolution. The manager allows you to easily upload new slides and schedule them based on start date and end date. You can also just put slides in a TBD (to be determined). Slideshow Manager allows you to have as many slides shows, called albums, as you want on your site.
- Schedule slides by date
- Managed slide show in the MODX Manager as a Custom Manager Page
- Manage many slides shows(albums) from one place
- Optionally force or constrain images to be an exact size and program will auto resize uploaded images if the dimensions are not exact
- Totally customizable and controllable for all output: HTML, JavaScript and CSS
- Built in jQuery Nivo slide show: but you can build you own
Read the documentation for more information
May 5, 2015
Supported Database
Supported Versions
2.3 - <2.4
Install via package manager
Default slideshow is a jQuery slider NIVO: the documentation
Report issues:
New in 1.1.4-pl
SlideshowManager 1.1.4 pl 5/04/2015
- Public update to MODX 2.3pl, CSS Changes for Manager, #23
- Added #24 Allow no Chunks to be sent to see:
- Fix install/build error message
SlideshowManager 1.1.3 pl 9/13/2013
- Added #15 ignoreEndTime and ignoreTime
- Fixed #13 end date must be greater or equal to start date
- Fix sorting in manager for Future and Archive
SlideshowManager 1.1.2 pl 4/12/2013
- Fixed #9
- updated Nivo Slider to 3.2
- Fixed install issue
- Added #10 now used MODX Manager Date format:, works best for php 5.3+
- Fix #11
- Added some indexes
SlideshowManager 1.1.1 pl 11/7/2012
- Fixed default album install issue #1
- updated Nivo Slider to 3.1
SlideshowManager 1.1 pl 7/11/2012
- Fixed file upload field storing issue
- Changed the base snippet slightly and updated nivo_htmlCaptionTpl Chunk accordingly
- Added updateSlideshow snippet, only needed if you have issues after updating
SlideshowManager 1.1 rc2 7/11/2012
- Added optional load jQuery #2 if you aready are loading jquery set this to false
- toPlaceholder
- Can chose to force a certian size (height and width) and will now auto resize images or allow any height and width
SlideshowManager 1.1 rc 07/10/201
- Update UI to be completly native MODX
- Set default dates for the create form
- Update to latest Nivo player
- Add new options: set custom Description, Image Instructions and Advanced instructions for each
- Fixed #5 with new GUI
SlideshowManager 1.0.3/2 pl 04/17/2012
- Fix PHP Notice Warning
SlideshowManager 1.0.1 pl 03/13/2012
- Set end_date to be a required field
SlideshowManager 1.0.0 pl